Thursday, January 17, 2013

January 17, 2013 - The Amanda Foundation

Hello to all of my friends and family.  I wanted to take a second today to tell you about The Amanda Foundation.  This is a shelter here in Beverly Hills that takes care of a bunch of puppies and kitties, and even though I don't like the kitties all that much (Grrrr!), I do like that someone is taking care of the ones without homes.  The Amanda Foundation has been doing amazing works for many years and has found homes for hundreds of puppies and kitties.  For those of you who live or work in Beverly Hills, you can volunteer to walk the dogs either on your lunch hour or after work, after attending a short volunteer orientation.  How fun would it be to be able to walk some cute puppies during lunch!  The next volunteer orientation is Saturday February 2nd.  Both of my Daddies are going to go so that they can help out and get these pups some exercise.  If you want to know more about the volunteer program, click here.

And btw, the cute pup above is Elvis and is currently up for adoption, fostering, or at least a daily walk. 

Let's all give back a little in the New Year and walk some pups!!




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